Withypool and Hawkridge Parish Council
Please see attached FAQs for more information about the increase in precept for 2024/25.
The Parish Council meets alternately in the Withypool and Hawkridge village halls on the second Tuesday of every other month at 7.30pm, as a rule.
Residents and visitors alike are welcome to any of our meetings.
The Council has 7 councillors and the following is a list of the current members:
- Mr Tony Howard (Chairman)
- Mr Alan Collins
- Mr Tim Lloyd
- Mr Will Lock
- Mrs Alison Morrissey
- Mr Julian Soltau
- Mrs Polly Soltau
Please view the contact list for more infomation
Office Hours: three hours per week, usually Fridays
When contacting the clerk please do so by email or letter so that a record can be kept. Thank you.
Our next meeting is scheduled for:
Please see Minutes and Agendas page for details
Please feel free to contact us if you would like any further information.